NINES Discussion: American Comics History nineteenth-century studies online en-us NINES 83 83 Tricia, your exhibit on the his... Tricia, your exhibit on the history of American comics is so interesting! &nbsp;I would have never thought to study the aesthetics of comics but it seems like a very rich topic of exploration, especially as it would allow a scholar to take an interdisciplinary approach. &nbsp;The combination of history, politics, satire, biography, journalism, graphic design, and art history would allow a scholar to approach the topic of comics in almost unlimited ways. &nbsp;I wonder if Cultural Studies have had more success in arguing for the value of comics in scholarly research? Thank you for your thought-prov... Thank you for your thought-provoking post, Jay Jay.<br><br>My initial investigation of the history of comics was an attempt to find an academic angle for studying graphic narratives, and its predecessor, the comic. &nbsp;I pondered whether I should use a more art historical and aesthetic approach, or a more socio-cultural approach and as evidenced by some of the research, it's a multi-disciplined field...much like our approach to studying narrative and literature.